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Crafting Culinary Excellence: Dipna Anand’s Journey from Family Legacy to Culinary Mastery

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's

Dipna Anand’s  culinary journey is rooted in a rich family legacy, where she was immersed in the restaurant business from a young age. With an educational foundation in Hospitality and Catering, she has masterfully balanced traditional Indian flavors with contemporary health trends.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's
Picture Credit: Dipna Anand’s

Her dedication to maintaining quality and consistency at Brilliant Restaurant, along with her role as an educator at her cookery school, has made her a revered figure in the food industry. Dipna Anand’s focus on low-fat Indian cuisine and her ability to connect with a discerning clientele continue to influence and inspire culinary practices across the globe.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's

Dipna Anand’s  Culinary Path: A Journey Rooted in Family Tradition

My journey as a chef began in the most natural way, almost as if it was destined. My name is Dipna Anand, and I was born into a family deeply rooted in the culinary world, with both my parents being chefs and restaurateurs. From a very young age, cooking was more than just an activity—it was a passion ingrained in me, something that felt like it was in my blood.

I can vividly recall assisting my parents at their restaurant when I was just six or seven years old. On weekends, my mother would take my sibling and me along to help my father with the business. Those weekends were something I looked forward to eagerly, knowing I would get the chance to be part of the vibrant restaurant environment.

The picture taken from Brilliant Restaurant website Dipna Anand's
Picture Credit: Brilliant Restaurant

I remember small but significant tasks like stacking bottles, laying tablecloths, and talking to customers. More importantly, I watched my father, who is a true master of running both the front and back of the house. His dedication and expertise deeply inspired me.

It was In these moments, as I watched and helped, that my journey in the food industry truly began. Those early experiences ignited a passion in me that has only grown stronger with time, leading me down the path to becoming a chef.

How has your  educational background in Hospitality and Catering influenced her approach to modern Indian cuisine, particularly in balancing traditional flavors with contemporary health trends?

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have pursued my education in the field of food and hospitality. My journey in this industry had a significant turning point when I won my first national award for a project focused on low-fat Indian cooking during my A-levels.

I also got to from a very young understand how to balance traditional flavours with contemporary health trends. This achievement was a big break for me, as it led to my work being featured in newspapers and cemented my desire to pursue a career in the food field.

Winning Award is a Moment of recognition

Winning that award was more than just a moment of recognition; it was a clear affirmation that I was on the right path. I had always been passionate about food, but this experience made me realise that I wanted to dedicate my life to this industry. I was thrilled to achieve the highest grades in A-level Food Technology, and this success paved the way for my continued education in the field.

From Classroom to Restaurant: How a First-Class Education in Hospitality Management

I went on to study Hospitality Management with Food Studies at the University of West London, where I graduated with first-class honors. The university experience was invaluable, as it allowed me to blend theory with practice. What I learned in the classroom, I could immediately apply at my dad’s restaurant. For example, inspired by my A-level project, I introduced a low-fat Indian menu at the restaurant, showcasing that my education was not just theoretical but had real-world impact.

My education in food and hospitality extended beyond just cooking. I learned about food costings, beverages, room service management, and even the intricacies of running a hotel. These lessons have proven essential throughout my career. I remember my university chef showing me how to fillet a fish, a skill I still use today. Additionally, the knowledge I gained about emerging trends, like vegetarianism and the current wave of veganism, has helped me stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's
Foundation of Genuine Happiness

Reflecting on my journey, I’m deeply grateful for the opportunities my education has afforded me. It equipped me with the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in the food industry. As someone once wisely told me, “In life, everything can be taken away from you, but your education can never be taken away.” This truth resonates with me deeply, and I hold my education very close to my heart.

 In what ways has your family legacy, particularly the history of Brilliant Restaurant, impacted your  culinary philosophy and business practices?

Running the restaurant alongside my dad and brother is a responsibility I hold with great pride. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been born into a family of chefs, which allowed me to experience the ins and outs of running a restaurant from a very young age. Watching my dad navigate the challenges of the industry and manage the restaurant so successfully has been an invaluable education in itself.

My dad is a true master, not just in handling the front of house with grace and efficiency, but also in managing the kitchen. Through him, I learned that in a business like a restaurant, it’s crucial to understand both the back of house and the front of house. You can’t afford to be specialized in just one area—you need to be an all-rounder. If a porter doesn’t show up, you should be ready and willing to step in and do that job yourself. Hard work is at the core of this business, and that’s something my dad has instilled in me from day one.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's
Picture Credit: Dipna Anand’s

Even now, I watch my dad perform every role within the restaurant, from chef to server to cleaner, depending on what’s needed at the moment. This willingness to get involved in every aspect of the business is something that has stayed with me and has shaped the way I approach my own work. I’ve learned that nothing is beneath you when you’re running a restaurant, and success comes from understanding every detail of your operation. These lessons have been drummed into me over the years, and they continue to guide me as I help lead our family’s business.

I like to think of it as a brilliant legacy—the foundation that has shaped me into the person I am today. Growing up in a family so deeply rooted in the restaurant business, I’ve absorbed not just the skills and knowledge needed to run a successful restaurant, but also a broader philosophy that applies to any business. This legacy has given me a mindset that transcends the restaurant industry, allowing me to adapt and apply what I’ve learned to various other ventures.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's
Ambience Brilliant Restaurant

Thanks to this brilliant legacy, we’ve been able to expand our family business far beyond the restaurant. We now run a cookery school, manage a banqueting suite at the restaurant, and operate two curry trucks. Our retail business has also flourished, with a strong presence at football stadiums and other sporting venues. Each of these ventures reflects the principles and values instilled in me through years of watching and learning from my father and the family as a whole.

I’m incredibly proud of our family legacy and what it has enabled us to achieve. It’s more than just a tradition; it’s a powerful tool that continues to guide us as we grow and diversify our business.

 What are the potential implications of your  focus on low-fat Indian cuisine for the broader food industry, especially regarding health trends and dietary preferences?

As a chef, I’ve definitely noticed a growing interest in healthier cooking and dishes, and it’s clear that people are becoming more health-conscious in their dining choices. This trend toward healthier eating is not just a passing phase; it’s something that is here to stay. Gone are the days when a layer of oil or butter floating on top of a curry was the norm. Now, it’s all about staying on top of these trends and offering options that align with this shift.

For example, our tandoori dishes have become incredibly popular because they offer a healthier alternative to the traditional idea of going out for a curry. It doesn’t necessarily mean indulging in a greasy, butter-laden meal with naan. Instead, it’s about making wise choices, and people are increasingly aware of this. There’s definitely a focus on healthier Indian food, and more diners are making those conscious choices.

That said, it’s important to strike a balance. When people dine out, they often see it as a treat, an opportunity to indulge a little. As an Indian restaurant, we don’t want to completely overhaul our menu because that’s not what our cuisine is about. We offer healthier options for those who want them, but we also ensure that the essence of our food—the rich flavors, the balanced spices—remains intact.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's
Picture Credit: Brilliant Restaurant

Ultimately, it’s about giving people choices. We want them to enjoy themselves, whether they’re looking for a lighter, healthier meal or something more indulgent. And as a chef, I truly believe that the magic lies in balancing those spices and flavours that define not just Indian cuisine, but any cuisine. It’s this balance that allows us to offer both health-conscious dishes and those that are a little more indulgent, ensuring everyone leaves satisfied.

I also now showcase a lot of my healthier Indian dishes to the broader industry including various leisure and sporting venues and stadiums in and around the UK.

How does your  role as both a chef and educator at her cookery school contribute to the preservation and evolution of Indian culinary traditions?

Being known as a chef is certainly a title that carries a lot of weight. Many people have come to know me as “The Curry Queen.” It’s a name that I wear with a deep sense of responsibility. For me, it’s not just about proving something—it’s about doing the best I can for everyone who enjoys my food and follows my work.

I love sharing my recipes, whether it’s through social media, my YouTube channel, cookbooks, at my cookery school or TV appearances. Every time I showcase a recipe, I receive so much positivity and encouragement from people. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that people trust in my recipes and rely on them to bring something special to their own kitchens. This trust pushes me to always give my best, to share not just a recipe, but the skills and knowledge that come with it.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's
Picture Credit: Brilliant Restaurant

One thing I’m very proud of is that despite all the recognition and publicity, I remain committed to keeping my feet humbly on the ground. I believe that humility is key to growth. I see myself as a people’s person, and while the recognition is wonderful, what really overwhelms me is the support and encouragement from those who follow my work.

I firmly believe that people make you who you are, never the other way around. Understanding this has been crucial in my journey. It keeps me grounded and focused on giving back to the community that has given me so much. As long as I hold on to this belief, I know I’ll continue to grow and succeed, not just as a chef, but as someone who genuinely cares about sharing and connecting with others.

What challenges and opportunities arise your experience of transitioning from a successful career in food technology to running a renowned restaurant and cookery school?

I often get asked about the challenges I’ve faced throughout my journey, from my education to my career as a female chef, especially in an industry that hasn’t always recognised the value of this profession. When I think back, it’s not that I faced insurmountable difficulties, but there were definitely moments that shaped my path and helped me grow.

One of the early challenges I encountered was convincing my some of my extended family and others around me that becoming a chef was a worthwhile pursuit. At the time, the profession of a chef didn’t carry the prestige that careers like accounting, law, or medicine did. I remember some family members questioning my choice, suggesting more traditional and “respectable” professions instead. This lack of recognition for the culinary arts at the time might not have been a huge obstacle, but it was certainly a challenge to pursue a path that wasn’t widely supported or understood.

Another significant challenge came when I decided to write my first cookbook. I was passionate about sharing my recipes, but finding a publisher or even a sponsor was a struggle. I approached several people, but the doors just didn’t seem to open.

Looking back now, it’s incredible to see how things have changed—today, people approach me, and the tables have turned. This experience was a profound lesson in persistence and resilience, and it’s something that has definitely made me who I am today.

What I’ve learned is that challenges, while difficult, are opportunities for growth. They force you to adapt, to think creatively, and to become stronger. As long as you keep this in mind, you can overcome any hurdle that comes your way. Challenges are inevitable, but they also shape you.

 Given the emphasis on maintaining consistent quality and recipes at Brilliant restaurants, how does the training of new by your  father contribute to upholding the restaurant’s established culinary standards, and what impact does this consistency have on customer loyalty and brand reputation?

Running a successful restaurant is all about maintaining quality and consistency across every aspect of the business—from the food to the service, to the ambience, and the overall experience. It’s that unwavering consistency that determines whether a customer will return, and this is something my dad instilled in my brother and me from a very young age.

Over the nearly 50 years since we opened our restaurant in 1975, we’ve seen many chefs come and go. But regardless of who is in the kitchen, the recipes remain unchanged. We ensure that every chef who joins our team follows the specifications precisely. My dad, as the main head chef, personally trains every new team member. I am in the kitchen regularly, making sure that the standards are upheld.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's
Picture Credit: Brilliant Restaurant

This focus on quality and consistency is crucial because we’re always striving for repeat customers. It’s one thing to get a customer through the door, but it’s another to keep them coming back. To achieve that, the experience must be reliably excellent every single time. It’s a principle that might seem simple, but it’s incredibly challenging to maintain, and it’s the reason why many restaurants struggle to stay open beyond their first six months.

At The Brilliant, we have another guiding principle: anyone who comes to our restaurant becomes part of our Brilliant family. This personal connection with our customers is just as important as the food we serve. Many of our customers come back because they enjoy seeing familiar faces—they like seeing my dad, my brother, and me, and they appreciate the personal touch we bring to their dining experience.

In the end, the success of any restaurant hinges on maintaining high standards in everything you do. It’s tough work, but it’s essential if you want to grow and succeed in this industry. Quality and consistency are the foundation of a lasting business, and that’s a lesson I’ve taken to heart throughout my career.

Dipna Anand’s Favorite Dishes: A Blend of Tandoori Delights and Global Flavors

Honestly, I have so many favourites that I could probably sit here for hours listing them all because I truly enjoy food. But if I had to narrow it down, there are a few dishes that really stand out for me.

I absolutely love tandoori dishes—things like tandoori chicken tikka salad or seekh kebabs are always at the top of my list. I also enjoy a good tikka wrap and some naughty masala fries. While I do enjoy a curry now and then, I don’t eat it too often, probably because I’m cooking it all the time!

Interestingly, while Indian food is a big part of my life, when I’m eating out, I often gravitate toward other cuisines. I have a particular fondness for Pan-Asian food—Japanese, Chinese, Thai—you name it. I’m also a big fan of Lebanese and Mexican food.

How do luxury chefs manage the tension between maintaining high culinary standards and meeting the evolving expectations of a discerning clientele?

In the food world, especially as chefs, we carry a huge responsibility to ensure that every customer leaves not just satisfied, but genuinely happy with their dining experience. This responsibility goes beyond just preparing a good meal; it’s about creating a memorable experience that resonates with the customer long after they’ve left the restaurant.

This mindset is something that I believe applies to all chefs. We are in the business of making people happy through food, and that’s a powerful thing. It’s not just about the technical skill of cooking; it’s about understanding the emotions and expectations that come with a meal. From the moment a dish is conceptualized to the moment it’s placed in front of the customer, every step is taken with the intention of delighting them.

The picture has been given by Dipna Anand's
Picture Credit: Dipna Anand’s

Chefs have to think about everything—the taste, the presentation, the atmosphere of the restaurant, and even the way a dish is served. All these elements contribute to the overall experience, and it’s our job to make sure that every detail is just right. When a customer leaves happy, it’s a reflection of all the hard work and passion that goes into each dish.

In a way, our role extends beyond the kitchen. We are part of the memories people create when they dine out, whether it’s a special occasion or just a regular night out. Knowing that we have the ability to make someone’s day a little better through our food is incredibly rewarding, and it’s what drives many of us in this industry. It’s a responsibility, yes, but it’s also a privilege to be able to share our love for food in such a meaningful way.




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